INFN Section of Padua and National Laboratories of Legnaro
AGATA, for Advanced GAmma Tracking Array, represents the state-of-the-art of high-resolution high-efficiency Germanium detector. CloudVeneto is used by the GAMMA group for simulations of future experiments using the AGATA array and a large variety of complementary detectors. The cloud machines distributed between all the members of the group, including students, has drastically reduced the time lost on the management of the simulation packages. In particular the Monte Carlo numerical simulation for the optimization of the design of the GALILEO phase II at the Legnaro National Laboratories was entirely performed on CloudVeneto instances. In parallel, machines dedicated to the analysis of AGATA data have been configured and are currently heavily used for the analysis of the AGATA-NEDA-DIAMANT campaign. In parallel to the analysis using the existing software, the group is also involved in the development and improvement of the data processing chain. In particular in the framework of the OASIS project, devoted to the improvement of AGATA performance via software, the CloudVeneto is being used to investigate the Pulse Shape Analysis capabilities.
Dott. Alain Goasduff
CloudVeneto © 2023 – All rights reserved