Simulations of complex networks

Department of Information Engineering of the University of Padua

The SIGNET group of the Department of Information Engineering uses the CloudVeneto platform to carry out simulations of complex networks.

In particular, one project involves testing underwater communication protocols through the transmission of acoustic and optical waves.

The platform allows running multiple instances of the ns2-miracle simulator, which has been implemented with a module (DESERT Underwater) enabling the reproduction of the effects of acoustic and optical signal propagation in an underwater environment. The complexity of the model requires significant computational and memory resources that can be allocated on demand within the CloudVeneto platform.

A second project involves simulating protocols for millimeter-wave (mmWave) radio communications, operating at extremely high frequencies (GHz). In this case, the opportunity to integrate the ns-3 network simulator with some protocols available for the Linux operating system, but not yet implemented in ns-3 (for example, some recent versions of TCP), has been exploited. Thanks to the computational resources available on CloudVeneto, it was possible to increase the realism and complexity of the simulated scenarios. The most appreciated aspect is the autonomous management of virtual machines.

Dott. Andrea Zanella